
Activalytics is my current startup, oriented on empowering data-driven activism. Activalytics started off as a Hackathon project. I was working on Sunrise Boston’s Which Side Are You On campaign and it occurred to me that, for an organization as massive and well-run as Sunrise, there was a lot of potential for integrating the same startup analytics tools I had encountered in the business world. After our project won 5th place out of over 100 teams, I realized we were on to something and wanted to expand our idea.

Using machine learning and data science, Activalytics tracks a campaign’s performance and makes recommendations as to whom organizations should approach for their legislative agendas. After pitching my idea to Sunrise, they became our first client. Right now, we have been expanding and configuring the platform to include analysis of outreach and centralize information to ensure our product meets customer needs. Putting the customer interview and product-market fit strategies that LaunchX taught me, into practice has been extremely satisfying. After validating our model with our Sunrise pilot, I am incredibly excited to expand to new clients and eventually to everyday consumers.

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