Community Service

Groton’s motto, “regnare est cui servire” (“to serve is to rule”) emphasizes the duty of the lucky to aid those born without the same privileges. I recognize that climate disruption is inseparable from the disproportionate impact on impoverished nations, frontline communities, and the myriad of social causes in our society. Both at Fenn middle school and at Groton high school, I have engaged with critical issues about how we define our society, and realized looking at a topic from a singular lens isn’t sufficient.

CEO, Empower the Blind

Empower The Blind is a 501c3 non-profit that was originally created to collect funds for cataract surgeries for children in impoverished countries. I have been volunteering in this organization for last 7 years and was elected CEO in high school. This year, due to COVID, we changed our mission to collect funds for people affected by the pandemic. Mobilized a group of 10 high school students from various schools to participate. Planned, organized, and executed several fund raisers at the local Farmer’s Market, the high school Bazaar, local restaurants, and even helped film a documentary about a blind man in India. This year, we focused on fund raising using our web site, social media and corporate donors. So far, ETB has raised $5,000 under my leadership and a total of $35,000. The money was donated to Lowell General Hospital to help them with PPEs for health care workers, Feeding America that collects food donated by farmers and gets them to people who need it, and Smart Canes, that helps the visually impaired.

Diversity and Inclusion, Groton and Fenn School

From attending conferences to leading workshops and events, Diversity and Inclusion was an integral part of my Fenn education, broadening my exposure to issues of gender and toxic masculinity, racial disparity, and learning to finally accept the ways my cultural background changed my experiences. I planned and organized our school’s Martin Luther King (MLK) Day Assembly and was heavily involved in leading discussions.

At Groton, I continued to be challenged on my views. Being asked to lead more workshops taught me more about amplifying the voices of minority opinions on a campus where conservatives often hesitate to speak out. I learned to foster discussions that highlighted areas of disagreement without resorting to personal enmity. Overall, although my attention shifted on to climate change, my experience in Diversity and Inclusion instilled in me the lesson that people remain at the heart of what progress should mean.

Student Senator, Middle School

  • Elected as a Student Senator in 8th grade.
  • Frequently chosen to speak at Fenn Alumni fundraising events, as a model student. As a result, I was able to visit the Harvard Club and other prestigious venues!!
  • Featured in an ad by Fenn School in a local newspaper to attract more diverse students.
  • Hosted Hi-Chew Sale to raise funds.
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