
I have been a percussionist since 5th grade, but Groton is really where my talent as a musician grew. Although I help out the Orchestra from time to time, The Jazz Band has become my second family on campus. After four years surrounded by superbly talented musicians, I have gone from a timid player to a confident Jazz-lover! I have gotten to play numerous concerts at Jazz clubs, Boston’s Hard Rock Cafe, and even at a tour through China!

Now, as a Music Prefect, I try to help younger students connect with the program like I did, organizing concerts and helping keep music alive through the COVID pandemic.

2019 Groton Fall Recital - Sing Sing Sing

This feature performance during Fall of last year was one of the highlights of my life. I practiced over 70 minutes a day in the weeks leading up to our Fall concert. Benny Goodman’s Sing Sing Sing really spurred my development as a drummer, and I wouldn’t be the musician I am today without it.

(Final Drum solo begins at 9:56)

Drum Battle

Besides the Drumset, I also play the Congas, Bongos, Snare and other percussion. This duet is from our FSA (Faculty Sponsored Activity) recital. I spent a term exploring percussion’s ability to play melody. While I love the drumset, I have always wished we could carry a tune like the Horns do instead of our traditional role as timekeepers. Experimenting with pitch bending on snare and learning new instruments allowed me to see my field in a new light and opened me up to new dimensions of music.

Hard Rock Café, Quincy Market, Boston

Our Jazz Band got to play twice at the Hard Rock Café near Quincy Market in Boston, in 2019 (Grade 10) and in 2020 (Grade 11).

Riley’s Café, Cambridge

Our Jazz Band got to play in front of a live audience at Riley’s Café in Cambridge.

China Music Tour

As part of a school GEO (Global Education Opportunity), our band went to China to tour for 2 weeks in March Break. I got a taste of life as a professional musician, setting up and playing at different venues each night. Beyond the music, I also got to see Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Hangzhou and other cities for the first time. The China trip was a highlight of my life, and an experience I’ll always share with my bandmates.

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