Public Speaking and Debate

President, Groton Debating Society

Debate has forced me to see the nuance to every issue. Being able to present an argument for any side within 10 minutes has required me to be very open-minded and allowed me to look at any issue from all perspectives. Learning to structure and articulate arguments with poise are invaluable skills that will stay with me throughout my life.

More than that, I love the passionate and argumentative kids we have trained in our program. However, convincing everyone we should eat at Panera instead of Chipotle on the bus ride back from tournaments is the one debate I will never win!

Since being elected President, I have:
  • Implemented a new intramural tournament system to increase program level.
  • Ran meetings twice a week, planning lessons for Advanced and Novice debaters
Results: In all of last year, we only had 2 students that won awards. In less than one term this year, 5 students have won awards.
Winner of After Dinner Speech Category.
October 4, 2020

Club Head, Model UN/Model Congress

The Harvard Model UN (HMUN) conference was a highly enjoyable long weekend. Besides eating amazing food at the Prudential center, I met people from around the world, getting to collaborate on thought provoking global challenges while being forced to think on my feet. Representing Suriname in the Economic and Social Council’s OAS Charter for Public Health, I felt great pride in winning a Diplomatic Commendation.

This year, with HMUN moving online, I am helping to organize Groton’s own Model UN conference, providing starter packets and moderating my own Committee.

Richard K. Irons Public Speaking Prize at Groton

Received the Richard K. Irons Public Speaking Award at Groton as a sophomore competing with juniors and seniors.
Won the Hector J. Hughes Extemporaneous Speaking Contests in Grades 6, 7 and 8 for three consecutive years competing with boys up to Grade 9. Was only the second student in the school’s 80 year history to have won the award 3 consecutive times.

1st Prize, North South Foundation (NSF) Regional Extemporaneous Public Speaking Event

Topic: You are a guidance counselor in school and have to advise a new minority student who is having trouble fitting into the school. How would you advise him?
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